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Seat Belt Related Posts

Seat Belt On or OFF?

Driver Exemptions for Seat Belt

There are several exceptions that exist in law, which can exempt you from having to wear your seat belt. While, it is advisable to wear your seat belt, ( as it can protect you from serious injury )  some individuals are just not in the position to wear it for a variety of reasons. The following conditions may exempt you from wearing a seat belt. For example:

  1. If you have a medical condition that prohibits you from wearing it, or due to your build, size, and physical characteristics . (Backed up with a Doctor’s Note/certificate advising your inability to wear a seat belt)
  2. While you are in the course of business, making frequent deliveries while travelling under 40 km/hr
  3. While reversing your vehicle.
  4. Employment exemptions, as defined in the Regulations.

If you are unable to wear it for a valid medical reason, please ensure that you visit your doctor first to enquire  if you qualify for an exemption.

  1. 106(2) Driver – Fail to Properly Wear Seat Belt

Wearing it properly

Remember that you are required to wear the seat belt assembly “properly”. If you have a shoulder strap, you cannot tuck it away under your arm. You can be issued a seat belt ticket for not wearing it properly.

Passengers Under 16 years Old

Make sure that if you have any passengers under the age of 16 years old, travelling with you, that they are also wearing their seat belt. If you do not, don’t be surprised if you get a traffic ticket.

Passengers 16 years and Older

Anyone 16 years or older is responsible for their own seat belt being worn properly. Passengers 16 years and older can receive their own traffic ticket, as a result of not wearing a seatbelt properly, even if they don’t have a driver’s licence.

If you have any other questions or concerns regarding this post, or have a seat belt ticket, please contact us at Lighthouse Legal Services for a free consultation.