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What should I wear to court?

Business wear is recommended. Do not wear jeans, t-shirt, hats, shorts, sunglasses, or flip flops in court. I would also recommend not wearing any official uniform, or work apparel. Please also remember to keep your phone on silent.

Do demerit points affect my insurance?

There is a loose correlation between demerit points and insurance premiums, but there is no direct correlation. Certain charges do not carry demerit points, but can have an adverse impact on your insurance. Insurance companies base increases, on what type of charge you are convicted of, and how many convictions you have received within the last 3 years.

Only an insurance provider will be able to give you a precise account for how much insurance premiums may cost you.

Can you guarantee results?

No, guarantees are expressly forbidden by the Law Society of Upper Canada. We guarantee that we will do everything in our power to vigorously defend you.

Why should I hire you, over someone else?

Hire someone that you feel comfortable with and that you can trust. As a legal services provider we owe you a fiduciary duty, and believe the trust relationship is essential in being able to represent our clients properly. Our belief, is in customer service, and customer care. We want our clients to feel welcomed, informed, educated, and well served.

Can you give me a free consultation?

Yes, we are willing to meet with any Defendant for up to 30 minutes free of charge.

Can I represent myself?

Absolutely, but the vast majority of defendants that choose to represent themselves are at a disadvantage if they choose to go it alone, as they are not familiar with the legal process. Not knowing the legal process can be the difference in paying thousands of dollars in court fines, and insurance premiums.