Lighthouse Legal Services is a proud sponsor of the Pickering Football Club’s OPDL Girls 2010 team! Encouraging girls and women in sport is close to the heart of Lighthouse Legal Services, and we are proud to have our logo on the girls’ jerseys.
Pickering Football Club creates and enhances opportunities to participate, develop, and excel in the sport of soccer, while promoting an active lifestyle.
The Club is a registered non-profit organization incorporated in September, 1984 and governed by an 9-member volunteer Board of Directors. The mandate of the PFC is to provide soccer related programs to the residents of Pickering, and the Durham region which is delivered by a team of 7 full-time staff, 10 part-time staff and 500+ community volunteers that assist as coaches, team managers, camp counsellors, event staff and fundraisers.
The Ontario Player Development League (OPDL) is the highest level of competition in Ontario for players U13 and up.
OPDL isn’t just a league. In fact, competition is a relatively small part of it. The league moves the focus from solely trying to win a trophy or avoid relegation, to developing players through a structured blend of high performance training and age appropriate play. In the OPDL, you’ll see mandatory heightened training with sport science and sport medicine components, complimenting regular weekly game play against other top players, from May to November.
The OPDL is not for everyone. As the Elite Pathway for players in Ontario, it requires a high level of commitment.
Pipper reunites with his Owner, for the first time in over a year. Pipper was facing a destruction order for over 400 days.
After a long and hard fought Court battle, Pipper has been reunited with his Owner on December 18, 2019. Lighthouse is proud of the outcome, and would like to thank everyone that assisted Mr. Chartrand with the costs associated with releasing Pipper back into his custody. Newmarket Today has covered the story about Pipper, and has uploaded a video of the release of Pipper.
Background Information:
Pipper was quarantined and was facing a destruction order in accordance with the Breed Specific Legislation (hereinafter known as “BSL”) for a dog bite. Lighthouse Legal Services Owner, Brian Morris defended Pipper and his Owner on a Pro bono basis. After a year had surpassed, Lighthouse was successful in arguing against a destruction order, and was able to secure a conditional release order. The conditions now allow Pipper a second chance, while ensuring public safety.
A special thanks to Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary, Inn from the Cold, and East Gwillimbury Veterinary Hospital, Joel Brillert & Caylee James
Since October 5th, 2018, Pipper has been detained and kept in quarantine in Georgina, Ont. Isolated and separated from his distraught Owner, Mr. Cory Chartrand.
Imagine being homeless, and then imagine as you try and rebuild your life, being alone and prevented from being with your Pet dog….for over a year!
Imagine not being able to visit, or even see your pet during that time! And then imagine how sad, confused and upset your pet would be, if you couldn’t see him? That’s what happened to one man and his dog in York Region.
Back in Oct. 2018, Pipper was detained and had been facing a destruction order. That’s when @innfromthecoldnewmarket reached out to Lighthouse and Brian Morris to intervene. After 13 months, and 7 court appearances we were successful in stopping the destruction order. But now, in order for the dog to be released, there is a $6354 fee to be paid to the Georgina Animal Shelter, which is required to be paid in order for Pipper to be released back into his Owner’s custody.
Please consider donating at
So we can reunite Pipper and Cory
#pitbull #pitbulls #bullybreed #rescuedog #doglover #WeFightToWin #innfromthecold #probono #dogtalesrescue #dogtalesrescueandsanctuary #lighthouselegal #endbsl #ricknicholls #adriangrenier #johnbernthal
Lighthouse Owner Brian Morris was successful in seeking a release order for Pipper, and prevented a Destruction Order from occurring.
Currently, the police need some grounds to demand a breath test from motorists, which can include smelling alcohol on a driver’s breath, or noticing other signs of impairment, which would lawfully allow them to demand a breath test. Next week, drivers should know that police will have added powers when lawfully stopping drivers. These powers will include the ability to demand a roadside breath sample, without having any grounds.
If you have been charged with an impaired driving charge, or 0ver 80 mg of blood alcohol criminal charge, Lighthouse can assist you with your Defence. Lighthouse has a referral agreement with several lawyers in Ontario, which can assist you with your charge. Call us today, and we can book you an appointment with a lawyer in your area.
Here are the penalties for impaired driving as of Dec. 18, 2018:
Alcohol-impaired driving that does not cause bodily harm or death – mandatory minimum penalties:
Impaired driving causing no bodily harm or death – Maximum penalties:
Impaired driving causing bodily harm – Maximum penalties:
Impaired driving causing death – Maximum penalty:
Wait time for provincial interlock program:
Last December, J&B’s 1st Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party raised awareness and $10,000 in funds for Inn From the Cold – a non-profit organization which provides shelter, dignity, and safety for those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in our community of York Region. This year, we are aiming to do it again and would love for you to be a part of it!
You can order ticket(s) online for $25.00
On Saturday December 8th 2018, the 2nd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party – sponsored by Lighthouse Legal Services, will be held at the Market Brewing Company in Newmarket. The evening will include door prizes, a silent auction, activities throughout the event, as well as live entertainment and a local food truck!
As a valued member of the community, we are writing to ask for your support through your involvement and contribution to Inn From the Cold by:
All contributions will be publicized on the Facebook social media group “York Region: What’s Happening,” which boasts over 5,700 members in our community. These posts will include a photo of the item and/or your organization; thanking you for your contribution. Links to your social media and/or your website will be included, if applicable. We also welcome your organization to provide business cards to be placed with your donation on the day of the event.
Your generous contributions will help ensure that Inn From the Cold is able to continue to support and provide services to the homeless and near homeless of York Region. These services are provided year-round and include: emergency shelter in the winter; assistance in finding housing and/or employment; mental health support; and other necessities. Inn From the Cold receives funding from the Regional Municipality of York’s Community Investment Fund and from generous supporters like you.
Don’t miss this chance to support our community and help our members in need reach their full potential! We look forward to your participation in J&B’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Party as part of our annual charity event and welcome your attendance on Saturday December 8th at the Market Brewing Company!
If you have any questions or need further details, please contact.
Brian Morris Jordan Bickley
647-528-5422 905-505-0957
For further information please contact Inn From the Cold
2018 Business Excellence Awards
Lighthouse Legal Services Prof. Corp. is very proud to be nominated for a Business Excellence Awards, in the category for community involvement. Over the first 15 months of being in business, Lighthouse has helped raise over $12,500 for INN From the Cold homeless shelter. Additionally, Lighthouse sponsored and organized the first Co-ed Soccer tournament for the Aurora Soccer Club, the tournament also honoured the Founders and history of the club which was founded in 1954. Lastly, Lighthouse was proud to help sponsor the 100th year armistice remembrance day dinner for Branch 385 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Lighthouse prides itself has being a a force for good in the community, and will continue its commitment to those in need. We look forward to 2019 and beyond.
New AMG and G Wagon (squared)
Lighthouse continued its summer tour across Ontario with a stop in Waterloo, On on Sunday June 24, 2018 for the Annual Mercedes Benz Car Show. It was amazing to meet all the car enthusiasts from across Canada, and be able to answer their questions regarding the rules of the road. It was clear after meeting the members of this great association, their is a high level of respect for our laws, and rules of the road. Lighthouse looks forward to continuing to support the Mercedes Benz Club of Canada, and looks forward to their next annual event.
From Left to Right: Martha Berry, Julianna Playter, Jordan Bickley, Brian Morris, Phyllis Morris, Ann Watson
Thank you to everyone for volunteering and donating to J & B’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. We just surpassed our goal and raised $10,000.56 for INN From The Cold. A big thank you to Jordan Bickley (Co-Founder of the event), and all the volunteers ( Shane McCarthy, Tal Trainer, Phyllis Morris, Rachel Ann, Christine Melnik, Juliana Playter, Martha Berry) This was a great team effort, and I would like to thank all our friends and family for helping such a worth cause. Also thank you to Market Brewing Company for partnering with us, and Lighthouse Legal Services. (more…)
Tickets are selling out fast, get yours at for only $25.00 (all proceeds will benefit INN From the Cold)
I would like this opportunity to thank our generous sponsors:
Corporate Donors:
Chris Ballard, MPP Newmarket-Aurora
Lighthouse Legal Services
Michael Hill
Rick Harris Plumbing and Renovations
Special Thanks to:
Tal Trainer and Jordan Bickley for TFC Tickets
Patricia Palichuk
Nicole Zenier
Emil Simon
Anonymous Donor for Schweizer Helicopter 300C
Anonymous Donor for Artwork
Organizing Committee:
Brian Morris, Jordan Bickley, Shane McCarthy, Tal Trainer, Rachel Bickley, Christine Melnik, , Piers Simpkin, Phyllis Morris, and Martha Berry
When: Saturday, December 9, 2017
Where: Market Brewing Co.
17775 Leslie St #4
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 3E3
Time: 9:00pm to 12:00am (3 hours)
Lighthouse Legal Services will be hosting an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party at Market Brewing Co. to benefit Inn From the Cold. Tickets will be $25.00 each, and there will be a silent auction on location. You can purchase your tickets from Snap’d Newmarket.
Special thanks to the organizers, Jordan Bickley, Brian Morris, Phyllis Morris, Juli Playter, Tal Trainer, and Karly Zbaraschuk, Shane McCarthy and Jessica Roberts from Market Brewing Co.
Additional details will be listed on the Facebook group, “York Region: What’s Happening”.
Local News Coverage:
From top left to right (Tal Trainer, Brian Morris, Shane McCarthey, Jordan Bickley) From bottom left to right (Ann Watson, Martha Berry, and Phyllis Morris)
If you wish to donate a door prize, or silent auction prize please contact us.
Thank you for choosing to support INN from the cold.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us.
Lighthouse Legal Services Professional Corporation received its authorization from the Law Society of Upper Canada on July 4, 2017 to provide legal services in Ontario.
Brian Morris has founded the firm, and will be building a team with former Mayor of Aurora Phyllis Morris, who will be spearheading the Community Ambassador role which is a cornerstone of the firm’s commitment to its Community.
The decision to create Lighthouse as a firm was to build a company which cares about its clients, employees, and community. It’s essential for Lighthouse not to be just a legal services firm, but to be business which is a force for good. We want to provide high level customer service, and educate our clients throughout the process. It’s no good just to provide the end result to your customers, clients want to be engaged throughout the process. Employees need to feel valued, they need a career path, and most importantly they need to be rewarded for their hard work and commitment.
The last pillar of our company charter will focus on community and sustainability. Lighthouse will design its processes and operations with a sustainability as its focus. Will also be committing 2% of pretax profits to local community non-profits and charities.