Novice Driver
A novice driver is anyone who has not graduated through the licensing programs from the Ministry of Transportation, and have not received their Full G or Full M license.
Why is this important?
Because, there are escalating sanctions against novice drivers for certain convictions, which will suspend your licence, and with enough convictions, can have you starting from the beginning to get your license back.
Types of charges that can suspend Novice Driver?
Any charge that carries 4 or more Demerit Points, will suspend a Novice Drivers’ licence. This includes the following, but is not limited to just Speeding 30km/hr or more over the posted speeding limit, Careless Driving, Following Too Closely, Stunt Driving, Fail to Remain, or violating any Novice Driver conditions may result in a licence suspension.
Escalating penalties can apply if you are:
- convicted of breaking graduated licensing rules
- convicted of a Highway Traffic Act offence that results in four or more demerit points (e.g., street racing, careless driving)
- subject to a court-ordered suspension for a Highway Traffic Act offence that would have otherwise resulted in four or more demerit points
First offence: your driver’s licence is suspended for 30 days.
Second offence: your driver’s licence is suspended for 90 days.
Third offence: you will lose your novice licence. You will need to re-apply for your licence and start all over, taking all tests and paying all fees. You will also lose any time discount you earned, any time you were credited, and any fees you have paid.
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