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Criminal Pardon

If you have a criminal record, and are looking for a fresh new start. Then you should explore the possibility of obtaining a criminal pardon.

Why apply for a Pardon?

You should consider applying for a pardon, if you are eligible. a Pardon, can remove a criminal conviction away from your record. So if you ever plan on applying for a new job that requires a criminal record check, or applying for educational opportunity. Do not let a mistake from your past, create a roadblock for your future. It is important that you have the best chance possible to reintegrate into society.

Pardon eligibility

Depending on the type of criminal conviction you have, will determine if you are eligible for a criminal pardon.

How long does it take?

It can take 12 months to 24 months for a Pardon or suspension record to be approved.

Can I apply for my own Pardon?

Yes, absolutely you can apply for your pardon. But, to ensure you are completing the paperwork properly, and not overlooking any steps, you may want to consider hiring legal service provider to assist you with the process. Contact us to learn more.